Healthcare Tenders

Does your business specialise in healthcare products or services? Do you want to capitalise on healthcare tenders in the UK’s public sector? Are you uncertain about how to successfully compete for government contracts?

Well, it’s easier than you might think to find central and local council contracts for healthcare-related goods, works, and services.

Consider that NHS Trusts spend £9 billion a year procuring goods and services. The chances that you’ll find healthcare tenders suitable for your business are pretty good. But, there is a caveat; your business must provide innovative solutions that increase the value of your business offerings.

The public and private sectors can achieve this in part by modernising and improving the delivery of patient care. The new approach to awarding public sector contracts in the UK opens the door for SMEs to take advantage of low-value contracts in their areas of specialisation.

Already, SMEs have had a huge impact on the healthcare sector, improving quality and efficiency across the board. So why not join them and make your mark in public procurement?

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Recent initiatives for the healthcare sector

Mobile health management tools such as apps, wearable sensors and supporting software

Interconnected devices such as wearable monitors and data analysis

Remote monitoring devices so patients can self-manage their condition

Advances in healthcare march steadily on, continually introducing technological breakthroughs and new innovative solutions to the market. Here are the latest updates.

Opportunities for SMEs to win healthcare tenders and related government contracts

All of this is great, but let’s cut to the chase. How can Supply2Gov help you find tender notices that perfectly match your business’s skills?

S2G publishes tender notices that cover a wide range of supplies and services and uses its tendering software to notify users of relevant tenders. We offer four pricing plans so you can start local and scale up as your business grows.

Healthcare tenders that are often posted on the Supply2Gov portal include:

  • Ambulance and emergency services equipment
  • Pharmaceuticals and medicine
  • Dentistry equipment and services
  • Medical equipment and uniforms
  • Dermatology equipment

How can your business make the most of these opportunities? Find out about them as soon as they become available.

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Private sector suppliers must strike while the iron is hot

The healthcare sector depends on private sector suppliers to keep the wheels turning. As a result, there is a constant stream of medical tender opportunities across the country, providing SMEs and other companies with opportunities to capture their share of the market.

With that in mind, it might be helpful to know which types of healthcare tenders are most often posted on Supply2Gov’s tender alert portal.

They include:

Ambulance and emergency services equipment

Pharmaceuticals and medicine

Dentistry equipment and services

Medical equipment and uniforms

Dermatology equipment

How can your business make the most of these public procurement opportunities? 

It’s simple; register on S2G for tender alerts, including SME tenders, and receive immediate notifications directly to your email address.

NHS tenders

Do you dream of winning lucrative healthcare contracts from the NHS?

It might interest you to know that around one-third of NHS clinical services tenders are won by private sector providers, just like you.

Sign up for tender notices in the healthcare sector and keep your eyes peeled for choice NHS tenders for SMEs and through to large organisations.

The NHS prizes innovation and value and regularly awards contracts worth many thousands of pounds to the public sector supplier that goes the extra mile.


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Current Healthcare Tenders

View more of the government tenders we have to offer and access relevant tenders like this by signing up to Supply2Gov today.

United Kingdom-Milton Keynes: 65+ years

Published: 30/05/2024 | Value: Not Disclosed | Buyer: Milton Keynes Council

65+ years

United Kingdom-Milton Keynes: 65+ years

Published: 30/05/2024 | Value: Not Disclosed | Buyer: Milton Keynes Council

65+ years

United Kingdom-Milton Keynes: 65+ years

Published: 19/06/2024 | Value: Not Disclosed | Buyer: Milton Keynes Council

65+ years

HIS/2024/791 - Systematic Review Software

Published: 22/07/2024 | Value: Not Disclosed | Buyer: Healthcare Improvement Scotland

Systematic Review Software subscritption and support services used by the evidence directorate to manage, analyse and share evidence reviews [...]

United Kingdom-Milton Keynes: 0-15 years

Published: 12/06/2024 | Value: Not Disclosed | Buyer: Milton Keynes Council

0-15 years

Healthcare tender alerts

Are you eager to get cracking and tackle the public healthcare sector?

Ensure that your products or services are ready to go, select your pricing plan on our contracts finder platform, and receive NHS tender alerts in real-time.

Get your feet wet with free local area notifications. We don’t cap your plan after a set number of alerts; you can enjoy free searches forever.

When you’re ready, you can join our Flying High customers who receive tender notices throughout the UK and the Republic of Ireland.

Rest assured that you will never miss another tender opportunity that is a perfect match for your services, products, or works.

Our database of government contracts is the most extensive in the UK. In fact, we publish more tenders than the government’s national contracts finder.

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Benefits of healthcare tenders UK

Are you curious about the benefits of working with healthcare bodies in the public sector?

The biggest benefit is the potential for business growth. For instance, consistently delivering outstanding results in your niche can encourage public sector bodies to favour your business when it comes to critical tenders that demand the highest quality products.

As your reputation for excellence grows, so does your business.

Prompt payment is another benefit from working with the Government. The Government’s policy states that 80% of invoices must be paid within five days, with the remaining 20% settled in 30 days.

This can be invaluable to you as a public procurement supplier as you always have sufficient cash flow to invest in new technology or employ another specialist in your field.

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