Explore innovative possibilities for business success with Supply2Gov

Supply2Gov will help you find new possibilities in the public sector. We want to help you grow your business by providing you the most relevant data on public sector contracts. Sign up now for free to guarantee you never miss future opportunities. Our extensive database allows you to uncover contracts and procurement possibilities in the UK and Ireland.

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With our user-friendly tender alert service, tendering is made simple

Each year, the UK Government spends around £300 billion on goods and services and thousands of suppliers just like you are getting in on the action.

Our Contracts Finder is super-powered by our database, which is the UK and Republic of Ireland’s largest database of government tenders and is researched from thousands of sources (we publish more opportunities than even the Government’s own national contract services!), we put all our contract information in one simple to use place for you.

What’s more, we offer a free local area subscription and flexible coverage expansion options that start from as little as £25 per month.

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Why the Public Sector is Potentially Your Best Customer

If you’re reading this, then you’ve probably already identified the public sector as a reliable and lucrative market. There are many reasons for this, for example: You will be paid and paid on time, it’s a transparent and non-discriminatory process, you will be treated fairly and if for any reason you’re not treated fairly, you have rights to information and rights to challenge.

While S2G contains contracts of all sizes, one of its strengths is its provision of lower value opportunities, which, especially when you’re an SME or are new to the public sector marketplace, are a great place to start your journey as a supplier…and remember, increasing the proportion of SMEs in public sector supply chains is Government policy.

In addition, the requirements for public bodies to publish lower value opportunities have been updated, and from 21st December 2022 central government authorities have to publish all of their contracts with a value equal to or in excess of £12,000 (inc VAT) and sub-central authorities (any public body that is not central government) have to publish all of their contracts with a value equal to or in excess of £30,000 (inc VAT).

This transparency means that you should find contracts that fit your ability to bid, win and deliver. 

Tender Alerts

With our Daily Alerts delivering all relevant contracts to your inbox every day, finding opportunities to win government tenders couldn’t be easier. Take the hard work out of finding relevant tenders and never miss another opportunity again.

Free Local Area Subscription

Our local subscription allows you to get started for free and pay as your business coverage needs grow. You don’t have to choose the area your business is based in – you can pick the area you are most interested in supplying to.

Monthly Payments

We understand that committing to a 12-month contract may not be the best fit for your business. So, we’ve made it easier than ever to start winning UK tenders with monthly and 6-monthly payment plans.

Coverage Options

Supply2Gov is built to let you choose exactly what you need for your business. Start with a free local authority and upgrade to Country, multiple Countries, UK, Republic of Ireland or UK & Republic of Ireland at any time.

Select Countries

Take out one of our country plans and you can add another country for 30% discount, add 2 more for 35%, add 3 for 40% or add 4 for 45%!

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Select Countries

Take out one of our country plans and you can add another country for 30% discount, add 2 more for 35%, add 3 for 40% or add 4 for 45%!

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Select Countries

Take out one of our country plans and you can add another country for 30% discount, add 2 more for 35%, add 3 for 40% or add 4 for 45%!

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