2021 New Year’s Resolutions for Businesses New to Government Tendering

No more excuses – make sure that you are actively looking for tenders in 2021!

Our focus as always is to help you to learn the basics of Government tendering, whilst finding every unique opportunity possible.

It may sound like a cliché, but setting a goal at the beginning of the year will make you more motivated and you could end the year winning more contracts than ever before.

Read our list of New Year’s resolutions for businesses new to Government tendering below…

Improve Productivity

Whether you are a sole trader or the owner of a limited company that has been running for decades, this is a goal that every business should take into 2021.

It’s important that you have planned and prepared for the year ahead and, if you want to get started in public sector procurement, have key documentation ready and in place. This will help you to bid for opportunities more efficiently and effectively.

Highlight Your Achievements

Do not be afraid to blow your own trumpet. If you want to grow your business, make sure that you are highlighting your professional achievements.

When you are bidding for work with the public sector, you should always demonstrate how you have helped clients in the past. This will help you to sell your goods and services as it shows public sector buyers that you are both capable and experienced.

Ask for feedback

If you haven’t won work with the public sector in 2019, then why not?

Go into 2021 asking buyers why you have been unsuccessful. Public sector bodies are obliged to provide you with feedback within 15 days of your request.

Next time you find work that is relevant to your business, you will feel better prepared, and acting on feedback eliminates the chance that you may make the same mistake again.

Embrace technology

The days are long gone when a business would search for opportunities in the local newspaper. Embrace technology and halve the manual work that you are currently undertaking.

Technology is moving UK businesses forward; procurement portals like Supply2Gov can help you to find opportunities relevant to your business in specific regions. A quick and easy way to find new opportunities.

Learn about procurement

If you are new to the public sector marketplace, it will be worth your while to attend training and events in 2021.

Our parent company BiP Solutions host various events UK wide that give delegates the opportunity to attend training and networking sessions where you can learn first hand from procurement professionals. Click here to view the events calendar.

If you would prefer intensive learning, you can also book a one-day “Introduction to Procurement” course with PASS Procurement. This would be extremely valuable to enhance your knowledge of the public sector procurement process.

All Supply2Gov annual tender alert subscribers receive free tickets and discounts for events and training through their Business Growth Programme.

Whatever way you choose to learn, you can stay up to date on the Supply2Gov website. Simply visit our resources section for all the latest procurement news for micro and small businesses.

New Year, new business

Try something new in 2021. Start with a local area subscription and you can choose to expand your subscription as your business grows.

You can sign up to Supply2Gov today for free. Start looking for tenders without paying anything at all. FREE areas include Inner London – East, Greater Manchester – South, Glasgow City and Outer Belfast.

Register Now